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International investment under the flag of the UAE

The UAE is an ideal location for making investments and managing them all over the world: income received outside the country is completely exempt from any taxes, and investment activity, including international, is considered prestigious and encouraged by the government – the investor can count on loyalty and support with sides of business, banks and government institutions
Yes, the UAE is not the only tax-free jurisdiction in the world, but most of the “tax havens” are on the “black lists” of almost all civilized countries. The UAE does not concern the consequences of global trends of deoffshorization, therefore, companies registered on their territory do not have problems and additional costs when settling with counterparties from other states. In addition, the UAE has concluded double taxation avoidance treaties and mutual protection of investments with many countries of the world.

All investors who have registered a company in the UAE are entitled to:
a resident visa for himself and his family members with the right to reside permanently in the UAE and use the entire social infrastructure of the country;
tax resident status, which allows you to protect foreign and local accounts from the international exchange of tax information according to the CRS standard;
confirmation of the location of the business management and control center in the UAE, which is insurance for the applicable tax optimization schemes based on the preferential tax system in force in the country.

Registration of a legal entity

In order to carry out international investment activity from the UAE and take full advantage of the legislation of the country, you need to register an onshore company on local land or in the territory of Free Economic Zones, as well as undergo the mandatory licensing procedure. An investment license makes it possible to attract loans from third parties, accept assets from partners, make investments to third parties and manage collateral funds and assets, provide advice and other services. By using legal methods to conceal beneficiaries, you can anonymously invest anywhere in the world, including the country of your citizenship, using trust and loyalty to “Arab” investments and significantly minimizing the tax base.

SORP consulting group experts guarantee: making investments from the UAE is safe and profitable. See for yourself: an investment company with a head office in the UAE, operating worldwide:
It maximizes profit without paying corporate taxes and taxes on the payment of dividends;
Uses the provisions of international double taxation treaties and mutual protection of investments;
Enjoys the right to transfer capital without currency control, legislatively enshrined in the UAE;
Can repatriate profits of controlled entities around the world;
Can issue (including to its units) loans and investments, act as a guarantor;
Can legally conceal the identity of the ultimate beneficiary.
Build your effective investment business model, relying on the protection and support of the most progressive country with loyal legislation.

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Business Design - A Look into the Future
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