How to calculate working capital
Working capital - a combination of cash and liquid assets that are necessary to finance…

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How to calculate working capital
Working capital - a combination of cash and liquid assets that are necessary to finance…

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How to make money online
The Internet is persistently entering our lives and is firmly entrenched in the first positions…

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the actions

How to calculate a single tax on imputed income

It is sometimes difficult for an entrepreneur to choose his taxation system. Among this set there is a single tax on imputed income, which differs in that the amount of deductions for it will be fixed. Imputed income is a hypothetically estimated amount calculated on the basis of indicators established by the state and local tax authorities. In this regard, all entrepreneurs at UTII who are engaged in the same activity pay the same amount. At the same time, UTII is distinguished by the relative complexity of the calculations, because several indicators are taken into account at once, which in this case can vary depending on the field of activity, as well as on the region (rather, location of the business) of work. But in more detail in order.
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Franchise Agreement: Avoiding Pitfalls

Trend product 2019. Developed by the psychological center “1000 Ideas” in conjunction with the team of the business portal.

Recall that, being a legally contract of independent equal partners, in reality the franchise agreement nevertheless presupposes the concentration of most of the powers in the hands of the franchisor (franchise owner). At the same time, an entrepreneur who wants to open his own business under a franchise agreement is forced to either accept the terms and conditions or seek another partner.

Nevertheless, if at the stage of concluding the contract special attention is paid to certain provisions of the agreement, this will help to avoid many pitfalls in the future. This is especially important to remember, since almost all agreements are developed by franchise owners, which means that they are created in the interests of the franchisors themselves. Continue reading

How to patent a trademark

With the change in economic policy in 1992, the concept of “private property” has firmly entered into Russian life. Each of us clearly knows what belongs to him by right and how to protect our interests. However, this applies only to objects of tangible property. Much more complicated is the case with intellectual property. Everyone knows about it, but for some reason many do not realize that in order for the product of their intellectual activity to belong only to them, it is necessary to formalize and secure the rights to it at the state level.
Professional kit for creating business ideas

Trend product 2019. Developed by the psychological center “1000 Ideas” together with the team of the business portal. Continue reading

How to create a successful franchise: 4 golden rules
Instead of increasing the number of franchises, unfortunately, their quality decreases and confidence among franchisees…


Top 5 Women's Mistakes in Personal Finance Management
Buying an apartment, because a friend bought the same, cosmetics instead of paying off a…
