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How to survive financial difficulties

There is nothing shameful in poverty. To overcome financial difficulties, you should start monitoring your expenses. To solve the problem, stop spending more than you earn. Physical and mental health, a reasonable approach to shopping and a healthy assessment of your financial capabilities will help you get out of a difficult situation.
Watch your health. You cannot survive this difficult stage if you are ill. In addition, in case of illness, you will not be able to work, and this will exacerbate an already difficult situation. To prevent diseases bypassing you, strengthen your immune system with a balanced and high-quality diet. The diet should include cereals, fruits and vegetables. It should also contain a small amount of protein, but it is not necessary to eat meat during each meal.
Spend time with friends and relatives. If you communicate with those who think about you, even when it’s not easy for you, you can maintain the belief that you are a wonderful person whose life has its own value. Find time for people who consider you an important person in their life, and it will become easier for you.
Psychological support makes a person more resilient. In difficult conditions, including poverty, a person is less likely to feel anxiety, anxiety and depression if he knows that he has friends and relatives on whom to rely.
Make a plan for the future. If you are poor, it may be difficult for you to think about anything other than the current situation. You are thinking about how to pay rent, utility bills, car insurance, and so on. You are always afraid that some of these expenses will lead to a worsening of the financial situation, and this distracts from thoughts about the future.
Even if everything is bad, it will not always be so. Think over plans for the future – this will relieve stress and distract you from current problems.
Do not worry about possible scenarios. If you think about what you did wrong, or about what you could have done differently, this will not affect the prevailing conditions.
Introduce yourself in 5, 10, 15 years. Where will you live? What kind of job will you have? Share your thoughts with a friend and ask him to do the same.
Try to see something good in every new day or week so you have something to expect. Every day it should be something else (for example, you do not need to think only about how you want to return home from work). Plan a bike ride with a friend or visit the playground with your child. So you will look forward to these events.
Recognize your abilities. People living in poverty often doubt their abilities and do not believe that they are capable of anything.
Accept that you cannot change. You have become poorer, but this is not the end of the world! Remember that all this is temporary, that you will get out of this situation.
Drive away negative thoughts. If it seems to you that you are not capable of anything and will always be poor, do not concentrate on this thought. Think about something else: “I am a good person, and many people like my society” or “The day will come when I will become financially independent.”
Forgive yourself. You can make mistakes like other people. Your mistakes are not a reflection of your personality. These are just minor obstacles in your way. Be kind to yourself. Say to yourself like this: “I made a mistake, but I’m still a good person.”
Control your behavior. In the absence of money, people often find it difficult to restrain themselves. They constantly find themselves in situations where they need immediate help.
Think about situations where you were unable to control yourself. You may have been drinking or eating a lot to make yourself feel better. Perhaps you began to lose your temper more often. Whatever the circumstances, try to take care of yourself and work on your behavior.
Try to find a beneficial use of your energy. If you think you are ready to break loose or want a drink, go for a run or ride a bike. Engage in drawing, play a musical instrument.
Have a rest. Good sleep (6-8 hours per night) is necessary for clear thinking. You can better control yourself if you are rested. Try to go to bed at the same time every day.

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