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How to make an advertising booklet

The use of brochures will be appropriate in a wide variety of situations. They are mainly used as a short guide when reviewing educational institutions or enterprises, as well as for advertising goods and services. Even if you need a brochure for completely different purposes, then most of the examples for its creation will be similar and applicable in your case. The secret to success is to use simple phrases to convey the main idea in the process of advertising a specific product or service. A professionally compiled and printed on quality paper brochure will be an excellent presentation of your company.
Browse online reviews. There are many different programs for creating brochures. Browse media, social networks, and software review sites. Professional reviews are mainly done by people with extensive experience. The advantage of social networks is that many of your peers registered there compare programs and debate about their use.
Freeware will definitely fit into your budget, but it does have some limitations. For example, the saved file may not be in the format that a professional printer recognizes. Be sure to read the detailed instructions before choosing a software.
Try different programs. You will not be able to choose the right software for creating brochures if you rely only on reviews. Download several programs and test them. You need to identify differences in the use of several types of software.
Are there enough settings you can get from her? You should be able to customize your brochure.
Is the program convenient enough? You will need some settings, but they should not be too many, otherwise you risk losing a lot of time when creating the simplest layout.
In what format is the received file saved? It’s best to work with the formats that a professional printer can recognize.

Browse through a few templates. All design programs have built-in templates. The easiest way to open a ready-made template in which the program will show you the placement of the title, photos and so on. This way you can gain valuable experience and not worry about losing a lot of time creating a brochure.

Layout layout
You should understand in advance for yourself whether this will be a double or triple booklet. These are the most common types of brochure format that will not confuse people when reading content. A triple brochure makes it possible to post more information and photos. But a double brochure will provide the reader with more attractive photographs and large text.
Image titled Make Brochures Step 5
Design your brochure. Don’t be afraid to use headings and subheadings to structure your information. [2] Provide information in a more responsive way with headings and subheadings. The structure is needed to convey to the reader the main idea, even if he does not read the entire text to the end.
Use up-to-date information. A brochure with information 10 years ago is not the best way to convince potential customers to buy something in your company. When changing contact information, it is best to print new brochures, rather than correcting data with a pen. Current data will make you look more professional.
Use quality photos. Image resolution should be at least 300 DPI (dots per millimeter) for contrast and clarity of print. A high-quality picture is the key to success. This may seem unlikely, but people will judge your company from photographs.
Do not clutter up your brochure with many pictures. Images will help sell your products, but too many of them will be distracting and counterproductive.
Take the time to design the cover. This is exactly what will draw the attention of people to your brochure. Do not place the logo or photo of your office on the cover – it is commonplace. Put a colorful photo that will demonstrate the advantage of your product, or the photo of the person using your product (with a smile on his face!). [3]
Choose between home printing and professional printing. Using a printer, you can easily print brochures from home. But if you are not sure about the possibility of making quality brochures at home, you should do a test print on the printer.