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How to create your own business
Those years have passed when a huge demand for almost everything existed in the country.…

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How to attract a sponsor

The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can result in both successful and mutually beneficial cooperation, and complete failure. However, you can significantly increase your chances of success by learning how to correctly identify reliable potential sponsors, create a resume and send out individualized sponsorship packages of documents. Let’s start with method 1.
Identify potential sponsors
Look for companies sponsoring events and events similar to yours. Take advantage of the experience of companies that have held similar events before you. If you are looking for a sponsor for a single event, such as running a race or a race, find out who arranged it before you and who was the sponsor. This can serve as a good starting point.
If your event is sporting, consider partnering with Nike, Adidas, Livestrong, and other sports-related companies.
If you are organizing a music event or concert, then you can consider the candidacies of local radio stations, thematic media or other organizations that have similar goals.
If you are having a food event, try contacting a large grocery store or restaurant chain. The game is worth the candle.
Make a list of potential sponsors. An impressive list is good, but you won’t question all the companies you know and all the businessmen in a row if they would agree to become sponsors. Your list should contain a listing of real potential sponsors, that is, people or companies who, in your opinion, will really consider your proposal. Include in the list of prospective sponsors those who have previously financed your events or supported similar ones, as well as those with whom you have a personal contact.
Analyze every company and every person on your list. Having a lot of information about a potential sponsor will serve you well in the future. Consider what benefits the sponsor will bring to your project.
Try to understand what policies potential sponsors are pursuing. Having understood their business model, goals and other indicators, you can come up with more powerful arguments and develop a step-by-step strategy for obtaining sponsorship.
In this situation, it is better to bet on local companies than on large corporations, for example, Nike. Although Nike probably has the opportunity to finance your project, this company receives hundreds of sponsorship requests every week. And the local radio station or sports shop? Surely less. And if your target audiences at least partially coincide, then for them participation in your event may promise additional profit.
Try to get potential sponsors to compete with each other. If a sporting goods store in the western part of the city has shown interest in your event, be sure to mention this in a conversation with a store from the eastern part. Both will understand the hint.
Get a sponsorship package
Make a resume. A sponsorship package always starts with a resume or an indication of the goals of your event, which is applying for sponsorship. Its approximate volume: from 250 to 300 words, describing in detail what the sponsor will finance, why you resort to his services, and what benefits the sponsor can get from participating in the project.
Remember that it depends on your resume whether the sponsor will study the documents further, so it should not be template. Make it personal, let the sponsor feel like you really spent time exploring his company. It will also demonstrate to the potential sponsor that you are serious about future cooperation and fulfill all these promises.
Do not forget to thank the sponsor for taking the time to study your proposal. In your letter, use a friendly and at the same time professional working tone, reflecting your professionalism and seriousness of intentions.
Work through several levels of sponsorship. If you have not taken care of this yet, then make a budget and decide what you want to receive from the sponsors. Create several “levels” that potential partners can agree to, and explain what each of them means and why you need sponsors for each.
Explain to the sponsor why he needs all this. Conquer the sponsor with existing knowledge about his business model, target audience and goals. Explain the benefits the sponsor will bring to your event. As arguments, you can cite the wide coverage of your event in the press and other advertising opportunities.

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