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Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the company | Final victory
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Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the company

The reasons why there is a need to change the strategy of a company of one orientation or another are different, but most often it is a decrease in productivity indicators and lower results than expected. Japanese experience claims that “the fish rots from the head,” which means a change of leadership can fundamentally change the current situation.

In response to this statement, it can be argued that the company is the people working in it, which means that the changes should affect not only the top management, but also the rest of the links in this chain, tightly attached to the bottom anchor.

The first step to change begins with the awareness of the problem and the need to break the usual way of life or, as it is now fashionable to say, “get out of the comfort zone”. Often, such a need arises against the background of an existing and theoretically working business plan, which, alas, does not bring the desired result. Such a production paradox is primarily associated with the structure of the organization of work, which is formed between the working cells that make up the final product.

Work in young companies
Young companies that are only trying their hand at a particular industry have a more flexible response system to requests, which means they are ready for the changes that may be required in the process. Over time, each “link” develops for itself the simplest mechanism of action and all work proceeds “on the knurled”, bypassing production difficulties and practicing skills in one direction or another, forming a template for solving the problem. Further, this pattern of action spreads across related work areas and eventually becomes ossified, forming an indestructible skeleton. The flexibility of the company’s employees is reduced, because why reinvent the wheel, if there is a proven and reliable (albeit already irrelevant) scheme, by which you can get the result (even if it is of dubious quality).

As you know, as soon as development stops in the chosen direction, a regression is observed, which means that the company loses its ability to compete in the services market and gradually loses its position.

In this case, a completely new strategy of action is needed, which will bring the company to a new level and will not allow it to lose its former influence, and in the best case, it will make a new round and take a higher position. However, often new trends are met with legitimate objections in the manner “this strategy has led us to have what we have” or “why change something, we always worked like this,” while it is often difficult to parry such statements, but do not forget that if everything was smooth, the need for change would not have arisen.

Usually, at such a stage, it is impossible to solve the problem by pouring “new blood” into the team, because even the most ambitious undertakings and innovative approaches are broken down into the familiar and well-established mechanism for conducting business affairs, and the team itself acts on the principle of a bucket with crabs, preventing initiative employees from leaving the familiar , but a limited range of activities and gain new experience, which can bring to increase the rating performance of the company.

Often this applies to managers. Such general resistance of the team, which a successful and highly productive manager faces, cannot but affect the general atmosphere in the work environment, and also contributes to negative moods, which further reduces the productivity and quality of the final product.

It seems that there is no way out, the vicious circle has closed, because neither the introduction of new employees, nor the change of leadership alone will not be able to change the established way of life, which invariably entails a stable tendency to reduce the position of the company. That is why it is necessary to break this chain, and break it tightly, avoiding half measures, although the reinforced concrete mechanism of work acquired over the years can work as a plus, forcing the new strategy to move by inertia towards progress.

What is the mechanism of action aimed at adjusting the movement of the company?
Despite the many individual nuances of work in each individual team, the main stages of interaction can be distinguished.

Be prepared for resistance.
Nobody likes changes, because it requires not only efforts, but also changes in the usual environment of professional activity, which means finding new options for solving the tasks and moving in a different direction and sometimes even in a different direction. In this case, “warned” – a synonym for “armed”.

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