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Female business: gender role

Now that women have successfully occupied all spheres of activity and their independence and purchasing power has increased significantly, compared with even the last century, to lose the beautiful half of humanity from sight means to lose a considerable part of profit.

At the same time, it is foolish to deny that women more often than men make important decisions, ranging from the choice of food, clothing, furniture, repair materials to real estate and machinery. Does this world still belong to men? No matter how! And the trend of recent years indicates that women from the rank of buyers have boldly and successfully migrated to the other side, literally before our eyes rediscovering those industries that initially had a clear division into “masculine” and were inaccessible to fragile creatures. Today, thin female fingers with a firm grip took hold of the truly male branches of the business, shaking off considerable fruits from them on emphasized emancipation and blurring the boundaries between the sexes, so it is worth considering two areas: a woman as a seller and a woman as a buyer. Let’s consider each of them separately.

Woman as a seller
Not so long ago, the lion’s share, if not the entire volume, of world business assets belonged to men who did business in their usual gender circle and represented their interests by selling goods of a corresponding orientation. Thus, the “supply-demand” system initially took orientation to male needs, and its development took place in a similar vein for many years before women declared their desire to take up “male” professions and what did it lead to? Opponents of emancipation said that this would lead to collapse and bankruptcy and only kindled the flame of sexism more strongly, so many women’s startups and their participation in the men’s business looked emphasized democratically and impartially. The reputation of purely male companies was also criticized from the outside, which means that against their background, mixed teams looked more flexible and modern, demonstrating their ability to adapt flexibly to the new conditions that society puts forward and conduct business regardless of trends in society. Emancipation soon reached unprecedented proportions, and many opponents of gender equality had to admit that women can quite successfully influence the business and conduct it independently, but taking into account the existing innate qualities and accumulated genetic experience. So, for the first time a similar experience of introducing a female part into a team was carried out on the basis of dating sites. Initially, computer equipment also had a male focus, and it was also expensive, so most of the visitors (up to 80%) of dating platforms, where the presence of representatives of both sexes in equal proportions was necessary, were men and only 20% were women, which created primary gender imbalance, but even if it did not exist at the beginning of this business, the Internet could offer little to women. With the onset of the 21st century, the picture changed quite the opposite, and women, being housewives or on maternity leave, began to occupy the niche of television and Internet business (the topic was disclosed in David O. Russell’s film “Joy”). Understanding the needs of the female part of the market has made women desirable in any business sector, putting them on the leading positions in companies in the field of beauty, fashion and household accessories, and after spreading to other areas. While occupying high positions, the ladies learned a lot, but, as before, rely on existing successful experience (like men), therefore inevitably contradictions arise, because primary female marketing was formed in more comfortable conditions, which means that it itself took a course to improve the existing , expansion of choice, while the male was a pioneer and met basic needs. This fundamental difference made it possible to form business lines: female, male and mixed.

The latter, an exciting 100% consumer volume, turned out to be the most successful against the background of general equality and differences in employee motivation. So, solely monetary incentives migrated towards decent pay, and emotional gifts in the form of travel, certificates and other small pleasures came to the fore (a similar system was used back in the USSR in large factories, where employees were awarded kitchen utensils and dishes for labor merits).

Thus, the combination of male practicality and the desire of women to ennoble any undertaking in tandem worked with a bang.

Woman as a shopper
The purchasing power of women of the upper and middle classes has always been high and implied the purchase of goods related to everyday life and beauty. At the same time, advertising as such did not exist then, and all capital movements were subject to fashionable trends, with all this, the ladies were limited by the purchasing power of their father, and later their husband.

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