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20 team management trends for a successful business

The word “trend” is widely heard. But what is the trend in the field of personnel management and what are they generally? Ekaterina Carmak talks about the most popular trends – from what a boss should be to soft skills among subordinates

The world is changing and developing rapidly – this is not a secret for each of us. Such a rapid development of the surrounding reality makes it necessary to follow trends and be “on the crest of a wave” in order to be successful. And this applies to all spheres of life – from personal development to the manner of doing business and managing a team.

It is especially important to observe the trend if you are running a company or running a business. The success of the enterprise as a whole depends on how successful the management style is, and it doesn’t matter at all whether you have two people under your command or 100.

Why is it so important to monitor trends and build your business in accordance with the latest trends in the field of office work? The answer to this question is simpler than you think. The leader and the team as a whole, in a trend, this is 70 percent successful enterprise. Indeed, the trends of 2018-2019 in the field of personnel management for the most part are designed to increase the involvement, motivation and team spirit of the team. We have compiled for you the most relevant, “hot” trends that will help bring your company and team as a whole to a new level and reach new heights.

1. Leader of the future

The type of strict and tyrannical boss who “keeps in check” subordinates, fortunately, is a thing of the past. Strict rules and total control are being replaced by democracy and a willingness to compromise, as well as delegation of duties.

What is the difference between the leader of a new era?
A talented manager, he is the owner of the enterprise or CEO, never “closes” everything on himself. He delegates his duties. We give a simple example. As a rule, large companies cannot do without the signature of the head or his approval during a personal consultation. What do we get as a result? Employees who cannot even take a step on their own and who do not have their own zone of influence and responsibility. Result – the work stops if the manager is not personally present at it, and the employees do not show initiative at all;
Changes leadership style towards staff motivation, instead of surveillance and control. Do not think that control is not needed at all, it is not at all. But if before every step of the team was under the strictest supervision, now the course is shifting towards trust and motivation of the team for more productive work;
Inspires subordinates by their own example and shows how to work in order to reach heights. Such a leader does not sit idly by, but by personal example proves that inspired work and determination will always lead to results;
Ready for dialogue. You can always turn to him and solve the questions that arise, he is not an unattainable idol.
2. Team recognition

This is the case when a team is formed directly “under the company” and its strategy. There are no random people in such a team – they are eliminated at the interview stage and do not pass for further cooperation.

Thus, the personnel manager initially knows what set of qualities a new employee needs and who a priori will not be suitable for this position.

The team’s brand concept also includes training employees, instilling in them the corporate culture, strategy and values ​​of the company. Employees who work harmoniously and are aware of their place in the team and the company as a whole, represent a single organism that will definitely lead the company to high results.

3. Staff training

This is even more likely not a trend, but a vital necessity. Innovations in all areas of society are emerging at such a speed that sometimes it seems impossible to keep track of everything. Therefore, it is vital to train staff, conduct personal trainings, advanced training courses, expand and deepen existing knowledge, and acquire new skills.

Remember that a qualified professional employee is, first of all, a competently done work and a completely different way of thinking. And, as a result, better results. It is logical that if you want a successful profitable business, you need successful, knowledgeable professionals, and without constant personal and professional improvement this is impossible.

Also do not forget about training new arrivals. The success of the enterprise depends on the results of the internship and how a person “delves” into the process. Therefore, the process of infusing personnel into the team must be given special attention.

4. Trust

Without trust, it is difficult to imagine life in principle. Trust is vital not only in personal relationships, but also in a working team. But the key word is “team”, only under this condition can we talk about trust between members of one team.

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