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How to independently develop an automatic online sales funnel for a business in 7 steps | Final victory
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How to independently develop an automatic online sales funnel for a business in 7 steps

Maria Grineva talks about what an online sales funnel is, how to independently create an automatic funnel in your company using 7 consecutive steps
According to the research agency DATA Insight, the volume of the Internet commerce market in Russia is growing by 16% annually, and by 2023 it will more than double. The growth is due to an increase in the number of orders from new Internet users who are ready to make purchases online, while the cost of the average check is falling. It turns out that the cost of each client is becoming more expensive: advertising costs, the number of competitors, and the quality of service requirements are growing.

If your task is to increase the profitability of the project and attract new customers, then this article will help you formulate a clear step-by-step action plan and a list of resources necessary for its implementation.

From the article you will learn:
What is an automated online sales funnel?
A step-by-step plan for creating a car funnel;
List of resources necessary for its implementation.
Every day, the Internet shows hundreds of offers. Our attention is scattered on dozens of banner ads and sites offering their products / services.

Every entrepreneur wants to pay attention to himself and make a customer a regular customer. Question: how to achieve the task? An “automatic sales funnel” can solve the problem. A sales funnel is a chain of consistent marketing tools that transform cold customers into your regular customers.

A car sales funnel creates an information and communication step-by-step “tunnel”, according to which a potential customer will walk in accordance with a pre-created scenario from the first touch (advertisement on the Internet) to the last – purchase. The “tunnel” will allow him not to disperse his attention and achieve the desired result with you.

For this you need:

Step 1. Analyze the business “now”

Let’s start with a dream (vision): where do you want to be in 3-5 years?
(for example, from a distributor grow into a manufacturer; from a hairdresser to a beauty salon). This will form a vector for the development of your business.

Next, you need to evaluate the current situation:
Market analysis, your market share;
Competitor analysis;
The presence and effectiveness of the departments: logistics, sales and so on;
Analysis of the range of goods and services;
Internal KPI;
Calculate your financial plan.
Based on the analysis of the current situation, a business development strategy is being developed. You will understand how much you need to attract new customers, how much to increase the average check to raise profits to the desired level. And, of course, what is the share of online sales and the Internet as a platform for finding new customers in your business.

Result: a step-by-step project development plan.
I recommend using the Gantt chart;
A marketer with knowledge of strategic marketing is needed.
Step 2. Segmentation and analysis of the target audience (CA)

Modern marketing has gone far from the classics. Today, the market forms a proposal based on consumer demand. An entrepreneur needs to analyze his target audience as thoroughly as possible. Gender and geographical features are no longer talking. Attention should be paid to the “pain” of the client.

It is important to understand that customers are buying a product to solve their problem (“pain”).

Where do we collect information about our target audience:
Analysis of Wordstat.yandex.ru + www.gks.ru (Rosstat);
Forums and sites with reviews;
Discussion on social networks;
Analysis of thematic communities;
Analysis of thematic comments;
Analysis of calls and online chats;
Calling current customers – an in-depth interview.
Result: the creation of 2-3 avatars (portrait of Central Asia) with a description of them: interests, fears, desires, place of residence, income, age and other things.
A marketer with experience in conducting in-depth interviews and compiling surveys is needed.
Step 3. Choosing a car sales funnel business model

Depending on the type of business, there are three models of a car funnel:
The classic sales funnel. We create a funnel using e-communication (email, instant messengers, autobots, etc.) and subscribe to our channels: YouTube, Instagram and more.
Auto sales funnel. We create a classic auto funnel and add an online webinar. On the first takes – live, then optimize for cars.
Automatic sales funnel online courses. We create an autobinary funnel that leads to the sale of an educational product online, and then to the purchase of the main product / service. Thus, you earn on the client twice.
The model is applicable to both b2c and b2b segments. Depends on the availability of an experienced expert within the company.

Result: choosing a model by which you will create a car sales funnel.

Step 4. Formation of a product portfolio

The product matrix is ​​built on the basis of knowledge about the interests and “pains” of their customers (see step 2). It is necessary to draw up a customer roadmap. A roadmap is a step-by-step customer action plan.

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