The Millennium Generation: Who Changes the World of Financial Services
How and in what are young people who grew up in the digital age ready…

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How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of many events: job loss, divorce, bankruptcy,…

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Interest-free loans between "their": to stand - to be afraid?
At first glance - not scary Based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art.…

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financial markets were created

“Money is the best motivation.” 10 career rules from a partner at UFG Wealth Management

UFG Wealth Management is the first independent family office in Russia. The company was founded in 2005 as a new direction in the investment company UFG Asset Management and in 2006 transformed into a separate business. Over the next 10 years, the company opened offices in Cyprus and Luxembourg, launched two hedge funds in Bermuda, increased revenues by more than 10 times, and Oksana Kuchura became a full partner with two male experts. Here are her 10 commandments for a successful career.

1. Think about how you will make money

Formulate realistic, but not very achievable goals at this stage and think of steps for their implementation, so that in a few years you can satisfy your basic necessities of life. No need to rely on dad or a rich husband. Continue reading

How to improve your business using borrowed capital
Have you ever thought about using borrowed funds to buy or open a business or…


Franchise Agreement: Avoiding Pitfalls
Trend product 2019. Developed by the psychological center "1000 Ideas" in conjunction with the team…
