What is a franchise agreement (commercial concession agreement)
How does franchising function in terms of Russian law? We will understand what exactly is…

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Why do we need a foreign company?
To be brief, a foreign company is needed to develop its own business and itself.…

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Bloomberg named Porsche 911 the most profitable car of the year
The eighth generation of the legendary Porsche 911 brought the German manufacturer a record share…

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international markets

Smart money. Six major financial technologies this year

In 2017, the total investment in fintech – “smart” online services that help ordinary users and professional market participants manage finances – amounted to $ 27.4 billion, according to Accenture consulting company. This is 18% more than in 2016.

According to the compilers of the list of the most promising fintech projects of The Forbes Fintech 50 – 2018, in the US financial services are already formidable rivals to the local banking sector with a market capitalization of $ 8.5 trillion. Fintech not only changes the behavior of consumers in all areas of personal finance from saving capital to borrowing or accumulating it, but also transforms the financial market itself. In this industry, there are more and more solutions designed for professional participants – banks, investment companies, hedge funds. Continue reading