How to attract a sponsor
The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can result in both…

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Worker vs employer: who owns intellectual property?
The leading consultant of the consulting company UKEY Daria Zernina explains the difference between confidential…

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How to sell a franchise on the Internet: 3 best ways
There are many ways to sell a franchise over the Internet, but not all of…

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this is also money

Business Design – A Look into the Future

When the Developer of an investment project, on the instructions of the Customer, is working on the next business plan, as a rule, the “depth” of calculations, forecasts, business development strategies does not exceed three to five years, in rare cases more.

And no one, no one, in principle, wants to look “beyond the horizon”, look for a longer period … But what will happen to this “conditional investment project” in 10-15 years? Devastation or prosperity? Will this business exist in the future? If so, in what form? And the most interesting … And how much can it (business) cost in 5, 10, 15 years?
Increase sales without investment! Continue reading

How to calculate working capital
Working capital - a combination of cash and liquid assets that are necessary to finance…


How to decide whether to buy stocks or mutual funds
Stocks are securities in which you can invest a lot of money for the long…
