“Money is the best motivation.” 10 career rules from a partner at UFG Wealth Management
UFG Wealth Management is the first independent family office in Russia. The company was founded…

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Top 5 Women's Mistakes in Personal Finance Management
Buying an apartment, because a friend bought the same, cosmetics instead of paying off a…

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How to find an idea for a business on the Internet
How to find an idea for a business on the Internet Any good business, whether…

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brokerage commissions

How to decide whether to buy stocks or mutual funds

Stocks are securities in which you can invest a lot of money for the long term. But the question arises: buy individual shares or buy securities through mutual funds? The factors below will help you decide.
Ask yourself if you have time to study stocks. If you have the opportunity to spend time and energy to analyze the securities market, apply it to the study of individual stocks and monitor your assets for an extended period of time – choose individual stocks. But if you do not have time or desire to do this, buy shares of a mutual fund; it may be that the best option for you would be passive investing in a series of index funds. Continue reading

Smart money. Six major financial technologies this year
In 2017, the total investment in fintech - “smart” online services that help ordinary users…


Female business: gender role
Now that women have successfully occupied all spheres of activity and their independence and purchasing…
