How to create a business from scratch?
Each person, at least once in his life, thought about how to stop working for…

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How to attract a sponsor
The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can result in both…

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How to calculate a single tax on imputed income
It is sometimes difficult for an entrepreneur to choose his taxation system. Among this set…

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family cannot afford to help

How to survive your own financial crisis

A personal financial crisis can be the result of many events: job loss, divorce, bankruptcy, sudden medical expenses or any other events that cause financial stability to be lost. Whatever the reason, the consequences are always the same: stress, confusion, inability to control the situation, loss of self-confidence. Although it can be difficult to survive the financial crisis, it is important to remember that it is possible to regain control of the situation. Everything can be adjusted if you pack up and start acting.
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Interest-free loans between "their": to stand - to be afraid?
At first glance - not scary Based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art.…


How to make money online
The Internet is persistently entering our lives and is firmly entrenched in the first positions…
