Bloomberg named Porsche 911 the most profitable car of the year
The eighth generation of the legendary Porsche 911 brought the German manufacturer a record share…

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International investment under the flag of the UAE
The UAE is an ideal location for making investments and managing them all over the…

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Why they don’t write about you in the media: a detailed guide for PRonline press services
Dmitry Trepolsky gives PR managers and representatives of press services detailed instructions on how to…

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most likely that it will

How to buy cheap stocks without a broker

Small stocks, also called cheap stocks, [1] are stocks that are priced below $ 5 or even below $ 1. Such shares are issued by small and unknown companies.
Definition of small stocks
The advantage of acquiring small stocks is that because of their cheapness, you can make huge profits.
The disadvantage of acquiring small shares is that they carry high risks, since they are not completely liquid and such shares are issued by companies with an unstable financial situation. Continue reading