Bank generosity: how can you benefit from a cashback card
More and more banks issue plastic cards with cashback. How to make the right choice?…

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How to create your own business
Those years have passed when a huge demand for almost everything existed in the country.…

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Why they don’t write about you in the media: a detailed guide for PRonline press services
Dmitry Trepolsky gives PR managers and representatives of press services detailed instructions on how to…

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one of the few good consequences

The Millennium Generation: Who Changes the World of Financial Services

How and in what are young people who grew up in the digital age ready to invest
Without irony, a woman who seeks to change the world of financial services gives us an interview in a conference room named after her by Warren Buffet, who does not trust new technologies. She lists applications that have changed the way she communicates with the world for her generation: Uber for transport, Tinder for dates, and even Washio for laundry and dry cleaning. “By pressing the buttons on our phones, we can do whatever we need when we feel comfortable,” says a thirty-year-old New Yorker with a name more suitable for an eighty-year-old baroness. Continue reading

Bloomberg named Porsche 911 the most profitable car of the year
The eighth generation of the legendary Porsche 911 brought the German manufacturer a record share…


Is it possible to make money on Forex
All beginners are interested in - how realistic is it to make a profit on…
