What is a franchise agreement (commercial concession agreement)
How does franchising function in terms of Russian law? We will understand what exactly is…

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Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the company
The reasons why there is a need to change the strategy of a company of…

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Franchise Agreement: Avoiding Pitfalls
Trend product 2019. Developed by the psychological center "1000 Ideas" in conjunction with the team…

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following inventions

How to take loan tips and offers

Agree, promotional offers about loans and credits literally flooded our surrounding reality. They fall upon us from all sides – mainly, of course, from the Internet, because this is a way of advertising, requiring the least investment and, so to speak, the most fashionable. However, the “outdoor” is not far behind him. Even on the way to work, you will surely stumble upon the slogans of various banks and other credit organizations from the window of transport. Each of them seeks to overtake competitors with originality and colorfulness, but they all have one essence: come to us, take our money, and then return them with interest – on which we will live.

In principle, everything is fair here, except for one thing: undoubtedly, these offers are different in their profit, both for the client and for the owner of the bank. A modern person needs to be able to maneuver in this financial sea, having certain survival skills and at the same time adhering to the principles of a certain personal benefit. Simply put, we should all be able to take advantage of a loan and not get burned out on it. Continue reading

How to create a business from scratch?

Each person, at least once in his life, thought about how to stop working for a “strange uncle” and start his own business. Of course, investing in one’s own is always more pleasant, and so the work goes faster, and the owner fully benefits.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems to be a promising undertaking for every enthusiast who is full of energy. However, many novice businessmen either burn out or, in principle, still do not dare to realize their idea. Statistics show that 99% of ideas for your own business are put into the black box for various reasons: laziness interferes with someone, others cannot quickly navigate in this situation and miss their chance. The very first and main question that a future tycoon raises is: where to get the finances for starting a business from scratch? Continue reading

Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the company

The reasons why there is a need to change the strategy of a company of one orientation or another are different, but most often it is a decrease in productivity indicators and lower results than expected. Japanese experience claims that “the fish rots from the head,” which means a change of leadership can fundamentally change the current situation.

In response to this statement, it can be argued that the company is the people working in it, which means that the changes should affect not only the top management, but also the rest of the links in this chain, tightly attached to the bottom anchor. Continue reading

Interest-free loans between "their": to stand - to be afraid?
At first glance - not scary Based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art.…


Bloomberg named Porsche 911 the most profitable car of the year
The eighth generation of the legendary Porsche 911 brought the German manufacturer a record share…
