How to decide whether to buy stocks or mutual funds
Stocks are securities in which you can invest a lot of money for the long…

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“Money is the best motivation.” 10 career rules from a partner at UFG Wealth Management
UFG Wealth Management is the first independent family office in Russia. The company was founded…

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Business Design - A Look into the Future
When the Developer of an investment project, on the instructions of the Customer, is working…

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20 team management trends for a successful business

The word “trend” is widely heard. But what is the trend in the field of personnel management and what are they generally? Ekaterina Carmak talks about the most popular trends – from what a boss should be to soft skills among subordinates

The world is changing and developing rapidly – this is not a secret for each of us. Such a rapid development of the surrounding reality makes it necessary to follow trends and be “on the crest of a wave” in order to be successful. And this applies to all spheres of life – from personal development to the manner of doing business and managing a team. Continue reading