How two brothers and sister set up a $ 1 billion business selling cheap toys
The Mowbray family’s path to success in toy production was thorny - it had cheap…

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How to make an advertising booklet
The use of brochures will be appropriate in a wide variety of situations. They are…

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Free advertising on the Internet, where to advertise for free
Advertising in our time is not only the engine of commerce, as Louis Metzel, who…

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anyone to steal

Why do we need a foreign company?

To be brief, a foreign company is needed to develop its own business and itself. Why is it still important to have your own foreign company? The detailed answer is below.
The domestic market of a single country seems great for novice entrepreneurs. But, over time, you begin to understand that it is not large enough, because There is always a competitive race that this market reduces for potential growth. For those business owners who seek to grow their projects, foreign markets represent huge opportunities. The desire for international growth, by entering the world market as an exporter or importer of certain goods or services, provides many opportunities. Continue reading

How to create a business from scratch?

Each person, at least once in his life, thought about how to stop working for a “strange uncle” and start his own business. Of course, investing in one’s own is always more pleasant, and so the work goes faster, and the owner fully benefits.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems to be a promising undertaking for every enthusiast who is full of energy. However, many novice businessmen either burn out or, in principle, still do not dare to realize their idea. Statistics show that 99% of ideas for your own business are put into the black box for various reasons: laziness interferes with someone, others cannot quickly navigate in this situation and miss their chance. The very first and main question that a future tycoon raises is: where to get the finances for starting a business from scratch? Continue reading

A selection of business ideas with minimal investment

Each of us at least once in his life, but thought about how good it would be to be the owner of our own business and work according to our own rules.

A person’s business opens up incredible horizons, scope for creativity, the ability to independently build your own schedule and influence income.

However, most Russians are still of the opinion that only the elite can open their own business. There is a stereotype in society that it is necessary to invest millions of capital in your business, to get into loans and debts. Continue reading

What will happen after the final victory "over the investor"?
The fact is that  “On Valuation Activities” does not allow calculating business value “in advance”…


How to take loan tips and offers
Agree, promotional offers about loans and credits literally flooded our surrounding reality. They fall upon…
