How to attract a sponsor
The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can result in both…

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Bank generosity: how can you benefit from a cashback card
More and more banks issue plastic cards with cashback. How to make the right choice?…

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How to protect your assets from the IRS
It doesn't matter if the Federal Tax Service (IRS) collects tax arrears by threatening to…

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borrowings at all

Free advertising on the Internet, where to advertise for free

Advertising in our time is not only the engine of commerce, as Louis Metzel, who once opened the country’s first advertising agency, once said to an almost unknown Russian businessman of the 19th century. Today, advertising literally dictates how to live, what things to use, with whom to be friends, etc. A lot of money is “spinning” in the advertising business, any business without advertising is doomed to failure. The costs of advertising campaigns sometimes make up to two-thirds of the total budget of the company. Does all this mean that free advertising does not happen now, and for a novice entrepreneur, constrained in money, nothing “shines” without paid PR? It turns out, no. There are several ways of competent advertising, for which you can not spend a dime, for example, free advertising on the Internet. Continue reading

20 team management trends for a successful business

The word “trend” is widely heard. But what is the trend in the field of personnel management and what are they generally? Ekaterina Carmak talks about the most popular trends – from what a boss should be to soft skills among subordinates

The world is changing and developing rapidly – this is not a secret for each of us. Such a rapid development of the surrounding reality makes it necessary to follow trends and be “on the crest of a wave” in order to be successful. And this applies to all spheres of life – from personal development to the manner of doing business and managing a team. Continue reading

Worker vs employer: who owns intellectual property?

The leading consultant of the consulting company UKEY Daria Zernina explains the difference between confidential information and information as a result of intellectual activity. The category of valuable information relates to the category of its protection and use.
The value of information is directly related to how reliably it is protected from uncontrolled distribution and use. The better the information is protected and the less people use it in their business, the more benefit it brings to those who own it. And that means its value is higher.

And this is not only about companies specializing in the development of IT-products. Confidential information and intellectual property exist in many other areas: educational, service, marketing, and so on. Continue reading

Interest-free loans between "their": to stand - to be afraid?
At first glance - not scary Based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art.…


Female business: gender role
Now that women have successfully occupied all spheres of activity and their independence and purchasing…
